Thursday, February 14, 2008

School Shooting, again?

It seems like a daily occurence these days, but are kids safe in school?

Sure, but it seems with all the media attention each one of these incidences receives, it stays in the media cycle. How many innocent drivers are killed ever day in their car. Should we not drive? Are guns the cause? No, guns don't kill people; people kill people. The kneejerk reaction is to ban or further restrict guns, but that will only further concentrate gun possession in the hands of those who shouldn't have them. What is the solution? Look at our second amendment, and why the framers put it in. Originally, it gave the right to the colonialists the right to bear arms to protect themselves from the British. The British were the oppressor, not the victims. Obviously we live in a different times now, and some measures are nessecary (background checks, etc.) Overall, guns can save innocent lives. If you were a potential school shooter (or were a British Redcoat), would you go in guns blazin' if you knew 5 barrels would be pointed your way??

This is an easy, emotional topic for the media to hype, but the right to bear arms is just that... exercise your right. I'm not an NRA freak or a sportsman, but the statistics show that guns do save the innocent, but that is not the easy argument to make. How much easier is it to say ban guns and this won't happen? I think we need to have a serious discussion about letting teachers in public schools carry or have a weapon in their classroon, and students having the right to carry a firearm on college campuses. I'm not sure what the right answer is, but further restricting the "good people" from owning a firearm is not it...

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