Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A case for McCain

John McCain: war hero, true patriot, (relatively) conservative.
Barack Obama: ????, very liberal

I hear many people tell me "well I don't like either one of 'em". "I'd rather not vote". These are silly reasons not to exorcise your civic duty (not your right) to vote. These are the same people who complain about politicians, gas prices, the war...whatever. Don't vote, keep your mouth shut.

I do want to take a couple minutes to outline why I like Johnny Mac. Again he was not my first choice during the primaries, but he is my only choice now. I know that my vote for McCain this fall goes toward a leader, not a speaker. We are at war. As Commander in Chief, the President is the leader of our armed forces. John McCain knows how and when to use the force of our military. He has a proven trackrecord. Does Obama? Interesting article in the WaPo about the leaders in the military being a little nervous about an Obama administration. Didn't he say he wanted to invade Pakistan???
I can have confidence that McCain can use our military the way it is supposed to; the whole point is no one knows anything about Obama, he is an empty vessel.

One thing to keep in mind this the judiciary branch; most likely one or two supreme court justices will retire (or die) during the next 4 to 8 years. I want John McCain nominating the next supreme court judges, not an unknown quantity in Obama. As a reletively social conservative, I cringe as "Under God" is taken from America and when schools ban more Christian references but become more accomidating of Muslim culture. I appreciate a justice who can show judicial restraint. Now, I am not an abortion nut, but I do think it is a bad law in how it came about. As opposed to law being made by the legislative branch, Roe v. Wade set a precdent in judicial activism. Abortion is an issue that deserves debate in a open forum. Roe v Wade is a law passed from the bench, not from the people. Unacountable judges verse elected officials. The next president will appoint judges who have the power to decide (in a life term) if they want to legislate from the bench or do they want to interpret the constitution as our framers would like. Since when do we doubt what Madison, Jefferson, and Adams had in mind for this nation? An ACLU lawyer type that an Obama would nominate does. A McCain presidency would appoint judges in the mold of a Thomas, Alito, and Scalia. That is all a President can do to uphold what little traditional values we have left, is by appointing, not "conservative" judges, but strict constructionalist justices.

Look at government spending; HUGE differnce between an Obama and McCain administration. Obama, from what little we know about him, would be a big spendin', tax hikin', nanny state supportin' good 'ole fashion liberal. Again, Senator McCain has some votes on record that I would like to have seen gone the other way, but on spending he is a hawk, not a pig.

Obamamania is all the rage; once the MSM/talk radio/blogosphere start to set their sites on Barack Obama after they take their bull's eye off Hillary, he will be exposed....slowly but surely.

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