Tuesday, February 26, 2008

American Idol Politics

The Democratic party's nomination process (and the entire Presidential race for that matter) is a great example of how little thought goes into selecting the leader of the free world and the next Commander in Chief of the most powerful military the world has ever known. If any schmuck gets up and start spouting they are for "Hope" and "Change" and people will swoon like the British Invasion is back. If that is the case I am against hope. I don't want change when I see what the change agent actually supports.

I go to an old fashion barber shop, and my barber has a very conservative customer base. He stated last time I was in his chair that some of these card carrying Republicans are actually considering the "Change" candidate. Why? Not because he is decorated war hero. Not because he has a track record to run on. Not because he would help the small business owners by keeping taxes down. Because a candidate is "articulate", or he is "sincere" or a "fresh face". One should look at what type of change he may supp rt. Does this candidate take ever closer to the European model of exploding welfare states with crushing taxes and soft foreign policy on self defense against enemies sworn to kill Americans?

Typical, lazy Americans pay more attention to the music than the words. Political armatures are mesmerized by the siren's song.

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