Saturday, March 1, 2008

Going Green???

What exactly does that mean? In my opinion, nothing. But it makes people "feel" like they are doing something about the crushing burden of GLOBAL WARMING. I do want to go on the record and say that I believe global warming/climate change or whatever the environmental alarmists' jargon of this day is, may be the biggest, and well funded hoax of all time. Sure, the earth may be warming, but is it indisputable that it is man-made? Could it be the earth's natural warming and cooling patters? I know that Al Gore is the smartest man in the world, but how come the polar ice caps on Mars are shrinking? Could the sun be getting warmer? How is it that 1934 was the hottest year on record? How come 4 of the hottest 10 years on record were in the 1930's? How come only 3 of the hottest 10 years on record were in the last 10 years? Why in the 1970's the scare was global COOLING? Have the gas guzzling Americans stepped up the carbon emissions that much in only 30 years? Maybe. Maybe not.

My point is that there is a shadow of a doubt that global warming is caused by man. So why the "green" movement. Because if there is a man made problem, you don't want to be the selfish bastard that does not install high efficiency light bulbs. Maybe that will save the whales...what ever happened to saving the whales? I guess we saved them all. But from who? The Eskimos. Maybe we should thank global warming for melting the ice caps where the Eskimos live.

What politicians on the left (and weak-kneed ones on the right) want are huge "carbon taxes" on those industries/companies who are perceived as carbon emitters. Again, no proof that carbon emissions are what are causing global warming, but lets tax it anyway. Let's tax Americans so that the efficient federal government can invest in alternative energy. I really love when a politician says they will "invest" in something; it really mean they will confiscate hard earned dollars to waste on their local pork barrel projects that keep them in office.

Anyway, back to going green. Those who tell you they are going green or buying green (i.e. a hybrid car), are the same with the "Think Globally, Act Locally" bumper sticker on their Toyota Prius. I guess putting catchy slogans on the back of your car will cool the earth. These holier than thou individuals feel they have a moral superiority since they have a recycled metal in their new bathtub. The whole thing is a farce.

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