Saturday, March 8, 2008

This is what we are up against

As a conservative, it seems like an easier gig being liberal. Why would someone want our troops in harm's way? Why should these evil corporations ruin our environment and cause global warming? Why would anyone not want the children to have health insurance? It's all about the children when it comes down to it. That is, of coarse, once they make it through the birth canal. Where this drips with irony is the fight for the right to continue to kill unborn children. It is fought for as a civil right. Who would be against civil rights? Only a racist or sexist, of coarse. See, it's easy to justify reckless, leftist policies. You can do it from the comfort of your own home!

Let's take this example I stumbled on today:

I read this and I think, "Who is going to pay for this?". Then I think that this next generation will be the biggest bunch of wussies the world has ever seen. Generation W, if you will. The generation was never allowed to see the difference in haves and the have nots. Why, so the have not are not embarrassed. Maybe a little embarrassment is what they need; maybe it will give them a little kick in the ass to say, "if I work harder, I can improve myself". No, just don't embarass them and keep the status quo.

Now watch how fun and easy being liberal is..."how can anyone with a heart for the youth of America not want to provide nutritious lunches for our students?" How easy was that? No need to look at the numbers behind it or who is paying for it or what type of message this sends to the haves.

Let's have more fun. "I don't want the goverenment listening in on innocent citizens' phone conversations." "I am against illegal wiretaps." Gosh, who with a couple more brain cells than Paris Hilton would disagree. Nevermind the fact that some of thee wiretaps have uncovered terrorist plots that would have killed many (i.e. the plot to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge). Also, no need to mention that the only people's conversations that were tapped into, are the ones that were going or coming from a known terrorist phone numbers. As I wipe the irony off the floor, I realize that liberals want the government less involved in our lives. Wait a second, no they don't! They want the government to run our lives from cradle to grave. Liberals want the government to feed our kids, educate them, give them good paying jobs, and, of coarse, mandate they have goverment healthcare. Just don't listen to my phone calls...

"We only want people to pay their fair shar in taxes" Hmmm, that makes sense, who wouldn't want that? Only a greedy, selfish bastard. But wait, don't the top 10% in wage earners pay 70% of the tax burdern? Looks like a pretty good deal if you are in the bottom 50%. The point is that it is easy to demogogue the issue and blame the evil rich for many problems we face. But don't the evil rich employ everyone else? Have you ever worked for a poor person?

"I'm for hope and change in Washington" Me too! Count me in! You don't supprt Obama? You are against change? I am for change, but if that change means the politics of Karl Marx, then I guess I am against change. If change means that we should be sitting down and negotiating with our terrorist foes, I guess I am against change. If change means creating larger and more cumbersome government burocracies that further remove individual responsibility, then I am against hope. But isn't change good? Aren't the people against change either dimwitted or reactionary? Are people against hope simple or backwards? No, but it's fun to say they are.

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