Friday, March 14, 2008

The (un)reverend Wright

Barack Obama has an issue. He has a big issue. Jeremiah Wright. Finally, he is taking some punches. The whole problem with Obama is that no one really knows him. No one really knows what he stands for, other than hope and change. If the type of change that Obama wants is the type of change that Wright recommends, then maybe his blindly loyal supporters need to rethinks things. As a refresher Wright, said "God Damn America" multiple times. He said that America is control ed by "Rich White People". He said that government invented AIDS to suppress the black population. How much more is hidden beneath the shiny, pretty shell of Barack Obama?

The point is Michelle and Barack Obama chose to have this man marry them; they chose to attend his church for 20 years; he chose to have Wright as his spiritual advisor. Something tells me that Wright didn't just start preaching this. So what exactly does Obama find "spiritual" about Wright? In a city as big as Chicago, I'm sure there were more moderate mosques, I mean churches the Obama's could have chosen. Sorry about that. Of course there is a difference between a radical Islamic mosque and the Trinity United Church of Christ, but not much.

A few posts ago, I expressed my rooting interest for Hillary to keep it close. Well Mr. Wright has given the Clinton campaign that opportunity. Be careful for what you ask for...

I am enjoying Obama getting bruised and beaten. I am really starting to dislike Obama, and it's about time! What used to scare me about Obama was that I didn't really hate him like I do Hillary. There was no threat of my casting an Obama vote, but now I can cast an anti-Obama vote with confidence.

My next point is that the media won't drill Obama on this like Romney got drilled on being a Mormon. Let's say that there is a video on YouTube of Romney's pastor/reverend/priest touting polygamy? Romney had to answers questions every day about his religion...last time I checked the Church of LDS did pledge allegiance to Africa (or Utah for Mormons). Will Obama distance himself from Wright? He must, but I hope not too soon.

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